North East Forum on Ageing

Working for Carers Project

Are you an unpaid carer in North Tyneside, Newcastle or Northumberland?

Are you struggling to balance your caring responsibilities with work?

You are not alone.

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, Newcastle Carers and Carers Northumberland are working together to deliver the Working for Carers project – specialised support to unpaid carers aged 16 and above already employed to maintain and advance in their careers and support to those who wish to return to work, education or volunteering.

This project is funded by the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund through the North of Tyne Combined Authority and is now administered by the North East Combined Authority.

Whether looking for work, trying to maintain your current job, access training or education, our friendly team is here to support you every step of the way.

Learn more about the Working for Carers project and how we can support you on our website at

Or get in touch with us on:

☎️ 0191 249 6480
