North East Forum on Ageing

What the general election manifestos might mean for the voluntary sector

The Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and Reform have all now published their general election manifestos.

Each manifesto offers a more detailed picture of what the party plans to do if it’s elected into government. This includes an outline of specific policies that could impact charities and the communities we work with.

It’s important to remember that a manifesto is not a legally binding contract between a future government and the electorate. There’s no statutory requirement for the party that forms the next government to deliver the policies in their manifesto.

But it’s a promise between that future government and the electorate and there’s often significant political pressure to put into practice key parts of a manifesto. Referring back to manifesto promises is one way that people, organisations and other politicians can try and hold the government to account.

Here are our thoughts on the manifestos published last week and what they could mean for the voluntary sector over the next five years.