North East Forum on Ageing

Gateshead Warm Spaces

Warm Spaces – Gateshead

The following is from and about Gateshead Council’s Warm Spaces scheme. It is refreshing to see them being pro-active and taking the intitiative.

Their website has been updated to include a directory of Warm Spaces
See more information on the scheme > Warm Spaces – Gateshead Council
If you have any queries please contact alisondunn at Gateshead Council

“There is a cost-of-living crisis in the UK resulting in unprecedented pressures on people already in poverty, and this winter despite the support given by Government, thousands of people in Gateshead will be forced to make tough decisions about when and what they eat, what they can do in life, and when they can afford to heat their home.

We wish to work with our local partners, building on the great work we did during the pandemic, to create a network of Warm Spaces, a group of places where Gateshead people can come together to stay warm, perhaps enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit.

Our intention is to create a directory of all the places available to our residents across the public, private, health and voluntary sectors so that anyone who is the cold knows where they can go to get warm, stay warm and enjoy a little company and some hot refreshments.”