North East Forum on Ageing

Teesside University are looking to recruit research participants in a new study

We need your help to develop a balance training intervention which is suitable for people with lung disease.

Please get involved if you…

·   Work (or have worked) with people with lung disease and/or balance problems 

·   Are a carer for someone with lung disease and/or balance problem

·   Have a lung disease and/or balance problems

You can help by either;

· Completing one or both of our online surveys which will close on Mon 17th June and Thurs 18th July

· Joining our interactive workshops in Darlington on Mon 17th June and/or Thu 18 July (both 1pm – 4.30pm)

To find out more and register your interest please visit: 

Should you have any questions, need some support completing the online form, would require a taxi to bring you to the workshops or would prefer to receive documents in the post please contact our research team on phone 07385086743 or email

This work has received ethical approval from the Teesside University School of Health and Life Sciences Research Ethics Sub-Committee.

Best wishes, Louise

Louise Egan (she/her) MSc, MCSP, FHEA

Lecturer in Physiotherapy & Practice Education Lead

School of Health & Life Sciences

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