North East Forum on Ageing

Stop Loan Sharks

Stop Loan Sharks investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers in the UK. 
Who We Are

The England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) was set up in 2004. Initially created as a pilot scheme in Birmingham to investigate loan sharks it had such an impact on illegal money lending it received further government funding. Today the England IMLT investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders while supporting those who have borrowed money from a loan shark. Illegal Money Lending Teams ensure the entire UK is working to stop loan sharks.

Each team is comprised of specialist investigators and Liaise Officers who have previously worked for the police, trading standards, and debt advice services. Together the investigators and Liaise Officers work to prosecute illegal money lenders while supporting people who owe money to a loan shark.

The Illegal Money Lending Teams in England, Scotland and Wales work alongside the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to investigate those operating within the consumer credit market without the appropriate authorisation.

In 2016 the Government legislated to introduce an industry levy to fund the activity of the teams and to take action against illegal lending.  The service is governed and overseen by the FCA and HM Treasury and is a free service.

How We Work With Partner Agencies

The England IMLT works closely with education providers and partner agencies such as the police, housing associations, and debt advice services. Investigating and prosecuting loan sharks is an important part of the England IMLT’s work and is combined with awareness raising of the problems and issues that illegal money lending causes.

The Stop Loan Sharks team has developed a range of free education resources, free partner tools, and will also deliver free in-house training for partner agencies and the police.

Explore our website for more information on these resources or email
