North East Forum on Ageing

NPC Digital Working Party

July Newsletter from the Northern Pensioners Convention

This is a special issue in which digital exclusion looms large. The House of Lords committee report on digital exclusion could fill an issue of its own – it’s so relevant to our campaign, Connections for All.

Many of its findings and recommendations confirm much of what we have been warning about, older people are and will be left further behind by digitalisation – unless government action is taken.

This issue’s also special because we’re reporting on a “first” for the NPC Annual Convention – a breakaway session on digital exclusion and inclusion. Positive news and constructive plans were presented Age UK
and the Digital Poverty Alliance on ending digital poverty and how digital champions are helping older people.

Thanks to the members who completed the survey we carried out during the Convention. We had a good response, and based on the findings we will be producing a report and recommendations.

Jenny Sims Chair, Digital Working Party

Read the newsletter below: