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NHS Health and Wellbeing Fund

NHS Health & Wellbeing Fund

We are looking to provide some taster sessions to support staff wellbeing at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust as part of funding made available through our regional NHS Staff Wellbeing Hub. We are keen to support staff to connect with all the positive opportunities that local groups and organisations offer that will help to keep them well while they continue to provide fantastic care and support to people in our communities.  

The regional hub would like to work with the local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) providers to pull together a suite of options based on the initial feedback from Northumbria Healthcare staff and any other offers that would also meet the brief of being within the 5 ways to wellbeing:

1. Connect with other people
2. Be physically active
3. Learn new skills
4. Give to others
5. Pay attention to the present moment

 The sessions can be a mix of: 

  1. Community Based
  2. Hospital site based (where appropriate in either Hexham/Berwick/North Tyneside/NSEC)
  3. Within work – lunch time / Evenings / Weekends 
  4. We could also look at using the funding to build resources e.g. a toolkit or recorded online session that could be shared with staff e.g. mindfulness or sleep.  

We hope that we can start to offer sessions from as soon as September, so if you are interested in delivering sessions on a group / 121 / remote basis and feel you have something to offer please complete this form by 5pm Monday 22 Aug 2022. We will be compiling a suite of provision and circulating the offer to all Northumbria staff members throughout the rest of August and early September so anticipate start dates to meet your availability and as soon as possible in September. 

Please click here to fill in the form if you are able to offer any taster sessions. If you experience any difficulties, please contact Thomas Monaghan on

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