North East Forum on Ageing


The NPC’s federal structure promotes the principle of delegatory democracy, so that the widest possible number of pensioners can have their views represented and discussed, and in turn, receive information and material, through the structure of their own organisations.

​Local pensioner groups and forums are therefore encouraged to affiliate to their NPC regional body and that body has representation on the NPC National Executive Council (NEC). They can also join the NPC directly, so as to ensure that they receive all the important information, publications and newsletters.

​Likewise, local branches of retired trade unionists and federations can have their views promoted via their national body’s delegates to the NEC. In addition, major policy issues, changes to the constitution and the election of the NPC’s officers are dealt with at the Biennial Delegate Conference (BDC) open to all recognised national affiliates and regional groups.

The NPC is determined to retain the Pension Triple Lock which protects the value of our state pensions since 2011. However out of 30 European Countries we are in the bottom half. We plan to recruit more and more members to strengthen our organisation and areas of influence.

We also want to help our members with representation and advice to improve their security and quality of life. Therefore we are into building and creating partnerships and alliances i.e. working with Sunderland Minster, as well as linking with N.E.F.A. and N.E.P.A.

In the next period the NPC will prioritise supporting and helping the WASPI woman get full pension justice and we are also looking at producing a recruitment video.

Best wishes,

Alec McFadden

Should you wish to contact me please email me on:

NPC website: Older People’s Rights | National Pensioners Convention | UK (

NEFA: Home – North East Forum on Ageing – Helping older people in the North East (

NEPA: North East Pensioners Association (