North East Forum on Ageing

Lloyds Bank Foundation – Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations

Maximum value: The maximum grant is £75,000 for three years (£25,000 per year).

Application deadline: 28th August 2024

This programme is aimed at registered charities and CICs which are led by and working for Deaf and Disabled people. Their organisation will work directly with Deaf and Disabled people over the long term to support them to have more choice and control over their lives, access their rights and entitlements and challenge the barriers they face.

This funder uses the term ‘Disabled people’ to refer to the following groups of people: people with physical impairment, visual impairment, hearing impairment, people with long term health conditions, people with invisible impairment, people with learning difficulties, people who experience mental distress and people who are neurodivergent.

The term ‘Deaf people’ refers to people whose first language is British Sign Language.

It is anticipated that 42 organisations will receive funding.

The Foundation can also provide up to £500 of accessibility support to enable groups to apply for this programme, including BSL interpreters, language translation, scribes and dyslexia software.

The Foundation will also offer grant recipients a range of tailored additional support to help them to strengthen, be more resilient and develop further.

How To Apply

A live webinar will be held on 13th June 2024 (10.30am to 12 noon) to talk through eligibility, shortlisting and prioritising criteria for this programme and answer any questions live. Registration is required and can be done via the Foundation’s website.

The guidance notes and all other relevant documents can be found on the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales website and these should be consulted before starting the application process.

The deadline for applications is 28th August 2024 (5pm). 

Notification of decisions expected in mid-December 2024 and successful charities will receive their first annual grant payment in January 2025.

Contact the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales for further information: Funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation