North East Forum on Ageing

Liverpool John Moores University – Research survey investigating hazards at home

The following is from a Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics and Researcher in the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University: 

“I conduct research investigating hazards in the home that influence the risk of falls in older adults when performing everyday activities. 

This survey has been developed with colleagues at Newcastle University and is supported by funding from the Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group. We are keen to hear from as many adults aged 60 years and over that we can reach and wish to explore all opportunities for promoting this valuable research. So far, we have 185 survey completions, but we aim to get close to 300 in total.

The survey will be live until August and may be accessed online using a variety of devices (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, computer). The survey is completed anonymously, and we anticipate that it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We have a flyer and information about the research which I can share with you (please see attached), and the link to the survey is: “