North East Forum on Ageing

Lived experiences of older people with pre-frailty study to help improve health and social care

You’re being invited to take part in a PhD study designed to find out your experiences and opinions.  

Before you decide if you’d like to take part, it’s important for you to understand what the study is and how it’s being done. 

The study aims to explore the lived experiences of older people with pre-frailty, which is a term used to describe a wide range of ongoing changes to mental, physical, and social health and wellbeing.  

Examples could include things like: 

  • Jobs around the house and/or garden taking longer due to arthritis. 
  • Social life changes due to difficulties driving or using public transport. 
  • Using home delivery for groceries as going shopping is more difficult.  
  • Friends and/or family helping or supporting with some tasks. 
  • Feeling like you’re ‘slowing down’ whilst still able to do most things. 

I’m interested in learning about your experiences in order to understand and help improve health and social care for older people. 

You’ll be invited to 3 interviews, which will take about an hour each, and complete a 2-week diary. Anything said in the interviews or written in the diaries will be kept completely confidential and only used for my PhD. All names will be changed and substituted with numbers and no identifiable characteristics or information will be used.  

If you’d like to take part, or find out more information, please get in touch: or 07379 423629.  

Thank you.  

Poster and Participant Information: