North East Forum on Ageing

Independent Age Information

Advice guides – free resources for older people, their families and carers

Independent Age is the only national charity focused on improving the lives of people facing financial hardship in later life.

Our helpline and expert advisors offer free, practical support to older people struggling with their finances. Through our grants programme, we support hundreds of local organisations working directly with older people across the UK. We use the knowledge and insight gained from our support services and partnerships to highlight the issues experienced by older people facing financial hardship and campaign for change. We believe no one should face financial hardship in later life.

One of the ways we support older people, their families and carers is via our free advice guides. These are full of information to help people in later life boost their income, find the care they need, choose the right place to live and more.

You can order or download our advice guides, at no cost, by visiting Advice guides, factsheets and leaflets | Independent Age. Or you can order our guides by calling our Helpline on freephone 0800 319 6789, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Scams – Know the tricks, avoid the traps

Scams are crimes, and they’re a growing problem, so it’s important to be aware of what they might look like and how can be avoided. Our website offers a range of valuable information to help people spot, avoid and report scams as well as what to do if someone falls victim to a scam: Scams | Independent Age

Our ‘Scamwise’ guide also covers essential information and advice on scams. Anyone can order or download our ‘Scamwise’ guide, at no cost, here: Spotting, avoiding and reporting scams | Independent Age. Or by calling our Helpline on freephone 0800 319 6789, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Good to Know Groups – free informative telephone group service run by Independent Age for people over the age of 65

These are free national telephone events which offer social and learning opportunities to people who may not be online or who may struggle to get out and about in their communities. The groups connect people with their peers and useful organisation, to hear and talk about issues that matter to them.

Good to Know Groups take place over the phone most weeks and last around an hour. We invite a different guest speaker to discuss issues of interest. Topics include scam awareness, support during the cost of living crisis, finding new social connections – things that are simply ‘Good to Know’ about. Anyone over 65 can attend as many groups as they like.

We also run free webinar sessions available to those over 65, their families, friends, carers and professionals. To find out more about this free service, how it works and programme, visit our website: Good to Know Groups | Independent Age.

The above information will also be posted onto the NEFA Resources section for easy access;

Resources – North East Forum on Ageing – Helping older people in the North East (