North East Forum on Ageing

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Independent Age ‘Good to Know Groups’

What are Good to Know Groups?

These are free national telephone events, offering social and learning opportunities to people who may not be online or who may struggle to get out and about in their communities. The groups connect people aged 65+ with their peers and useful organisations, to hear and talk about issues that matter to them. Think of these groups like a cup of tea and a chat at a community centre, but over the phone in the comfort of your home. See the programme of upcoming talks.

What happens at a Good to Know Group?

Good to Know groups meet most weeks and last around an hour. For each group, we invite a different guest speaker to come and tell us a bit about their organisation and an issue or topic that matters to older people. There’s always a chance to learn something new, to ask questions and to hear about other people’s experiences.

What kind of topics do the groups cover?

We cover all kinds of topics, like wellbeing, social care, money and scams. In 2023 we held groups marking National Sleep Awareness Day, Stress Awareness Month, Pride Month and much more. We regularly host Scamwise and Moneywise groups, which are based on our guides and help to keep you alert and knowledgeable about your finances and safety. Remember, you can order these guides for free from our website. If there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, let us know – we’re all ears.

Do I have to commit to attending regularly?

Not at all – you just choose which groups sound useful to you. We usually host four Good to Know groups each month, and you’re welcome to join as many as you like.

How does it work?

Sign up to our mailing list and we’ll keep you in the loop about all our upcoming groups. You then choose which groups you’re interested in joining that month and give our Helpline team a call for free on 0800 319 6789 or email to book your place. We won’t automatically book you a place at every group – you’ll need to let us know.

What if I forget about an upcoming session?

Our friendly Helpline team will give you a reminder call the day before.

How do I sign up?

Call our Helpline for free on 0800 319 6789 or email

Upcoming talks

To sign up for any of the talks, please call our freephone Helpline on 0800 319 6789 or email

Alongside our telephone groups, we also run webinar sessions.

For further information please click on the link below;*hkixbu*_up*MQ..*_ga*NDkzOTkwNDgwLjE3MTA4NDQ4NzQ.*_ga_TGBBW3PC3T*MTcxMDg0NDg3My4xLjAuMTcxMDg0NDg3My4wLjAuMA