North East Forum on Ageing

Henry Duncan Grants Programme Accepting Applications for 2023

Henry Duncan Grants want to fund organisations that increase opportunities for Deaf/Disabled People and people living with long term conditions, helping them to participate fully in society and live independently.

Grassroots charities and not-for-profit organisations across Scotland can apply for funding to deliver projects and activities that increase opportunities and remove barriers for Deaf/Disabled people and people with long-term conditions.

Corra Foundation is offering grants of up to £8,000 per year for up to five years for grassroots organisations with an income of up to £250,000 to increase opportunities for Deaf/Disabled people and people living with long-term conditions, helping them to participate fully in society and live independently.

In 2023, the Henry Duncan Grants Programme will award grants across the following categories: 

Organisation grants

  • Unrestricted funding to Deaf/Disabled People’s Organisations or user-led organisations supporting people living with long-term conditions.
  • Organisations should have a core aim of helping to reduce the barriers preventing people from within these communities from participating in society and living independently.
  • The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Wednesday 30th August 2023.
  • For more information:
  • Henry Duncan Grants – Corra Foundation
  • Apply for Funding – Corra Foundation