North East Forum on Ageing

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Groundwork – Grassroots Grants

Maximum value: £2,000

Application deadline: 30th September 2024

Grants are available for small, grassroots charities, community interest communities (CICs), and voluntary and community groups across England to deliver vital services that benefit their local communities. The Grassroots Grants Programme is provided by the Postcode Local Trust, Postcode Places Trust, and Postcode Society Trust, and is administered by Groundwork. 

This fund aims to support flexible, unrestricted grants for small grassroots organisations that are working to make a positive difference in local communities, particularly those working to support marginalised or vulnerable groups.  

Who Can Apply

Small, local, constituted voluntary and community organisations, including registered charities, with an annual income of less than £60,000 in the last financial year can apply.

Community interest companies (CICs) can apply if they have been in operating for two years with an asset lock (schedule one and two only).

Priority will be given to organisations that meet the following criteria:

  • Have an annual income of £50,000 or under.
  • Funding is for work in communities that rank as being within the top 15% on the English Indices of Deprivation.
  • Organisations that work with and support communities that are classed as marginalised or vulnerable.

Applicants must provide a copy of their governing document. 

To apply: Grassroots Grants – Groundwork

  1. Enquiries;
    Suite B2
    The Walker Building
    58 Oxford Street
    B5 5NR
    Tel: 0121 236 8565