North East Forum on Ageing

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Flexible Working Code of Practice Guidance (acas)

The new flexible working law and updated Acas Code of Practice on handling request for flexible working came into effect April 6th 2024.

To help support employers and line mangers with the changes we have a range of advice and resources including:

  • Working from home and hybrid working
  • Making a flexible working request
  • Responding to a flexible working request
  • Flexible working policy templates

The guidance:

Using the toolkit: Using this toolkit – Guidelines (

We would very much appreciate your support in sharing these resources and please do let us know if we can cross-promote.

Contact details:

Twitter: @acasorguk

Instagram: @acasorguk

Facebook: @acasorguk

LinkedIn: @Acas

The right to make a flexible working request is now a day one employment right. Learn more about the changes on @acasorguk’s free advice page: