North East Forum on Ageing

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Finding and arranging social care – Age UK

If you’re finding it hard to manage and think you need social care, a care needs assessment is the first step. The assessment determines the kind of social care that would meet your care needs, whether this means adapting your home or moving into a care home.

A social care professional will usually come to see you to find out how you’re managing everyday tasks. You may be offered an assessment online or over the phone – if you feel this isn’t right for you, ask for a face-to-face assessment. They’ll consider:

  • your health, and what you can and can’t do, or struggle to do
  • your cultural and religious background and support network
  • your current living arrangements
  • how you’d like to be supported
  • information about your needs from your carer, if you want them to be involved in your assessment.

The assessor will also talk to other professionals who care for you, like your GP or nurse, if you’re happy for the council to do so. This is to make sure everyone is on the same page with the support you need.

Your local council must do their best to help you. They should consider what support you need right now, and what might help in the future.

For more information: The Care Needs Assessment Explained | Age UK