North East Forum on Ageing

CW+, in partnership with NHS Charities Together and NHS England

Offer: 15 grants of between £150,000 and £500,000

Timescale: Over 3 years

Through the Volunteering for Health Programme, Funding is for projects that aim to achieve one or more of the following programme outcomes:

  • Better integration of volunteering into decision-making at a ‘place-based’ and ICB level.
  • Health and care priorities are better supported by volunteering.
  • Better volunteer experiences.
  • Innovative approaches to recruiting, supporting, or deploying volunteers are shared. 

Funding is for partnerships of organisations that involve, or have a strategic interest in, health and care, such as NHS trusts, NHS Foundation trusts, ICBs, and VCSE organisations such as registered charities and community interest companies. 

Eligible costs include new or existing staff salaries, leadership, and organisational development (coaching, facilitation, consultancy etc), running costs such as room hire for partnership activities, and resources to support the gathering and sharing of learning. 

There is a multi-phased application process wherein partnership organisations must first complete a Phase One application. Successful applicants will then receive an initial development grant, as well as a funded and supported design and development process to complete a Phase Two proposal for further funding for the remaining period of the programme. 

The deadline to submit a Phase One application is 23 February 2024

Volunteering for Health – CW+ (

Unit 4 Verney House
1b Hollywood Road
SW10 9HS