North East Forum on Ageing

Community Foundation grant supporting the development of small and medium sized charitable organisations

Location(s):  Gateshead, Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Sunderland
The Sector Support Fund at the Community Foundation,  invites applications from small to medium sized charitable organisations for organisational development to be in a stronger position to better deliver services and attract funding.

We support a wide range of causes, although our trustees sometimes prioritise certain places and issues.

You can apply for funding towards:

  • keeping current activities going, expanding them or working in new areas;
  • making your organisation stronger, through improving services, developing staff and trustees or working on your longer-term plans;
  • influencing relevant policy and practice that could improve the situation for the people you help.

Funding can be towards core running costs (including salaries and overheads), projects, equipment or capital developments. The work can be new, continuing or a one-off initiative. Whatever you are seeking funding for, you need to explain what you will do with the grant, who will benefit and how you know the work will make a difference.

Please note, we can only fund capital costs for non-charities (CICs, Parish Councils etc.) where:

  • it is a condition of our grant that if the organisation sells any assets we fund, it must apply the value it gains for the same purpose set out in our grant offer, or return that portion of the grant to us;
  • the applicant’s governing document specifies that if it transfers assets (for example, if it winds up), it will be to a charity or for a restricted charitable purpose.

Applicants must have an average annual turnover (over the past three years) of not more than £500,000.

All applicants remain eligible for non-monetary support through Community Foundation’s Sector Support programme and pro bono support may be recommended instead of grant funding.

To apply:

If you have any questions call 0191 2220945 or email