North East Forum on Ageing

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Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England update

Dozens of older people have taken calls for the creation of a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England to the heart of Westminster in the latest phase of our campaign.  

Campaigners joined representative from the Centre for Ageing Better, Independent Age and Age UK, as well as from older person’s organisation the National Pensioners Convention, to deliver a petition of more than 36,000 signatures to political party leaders.  

The campaign is calling for an independent commissioner to focus attention on the issues facing people in later life including pensioner poverty, which affects one in six older people across the UK, difficulty accessing social care, and loneliness and social isolation.  

With a changing population which will see one in four of the population aged over 65 within the next 20 years, campaigners say that a commissioner is needed to help facilitate the long-term planning required to ensure the economy and society adapts for this demographic shift so that everyone has an opportunity to age well. 

Representatives from the four organisations delivered the petition to the doors of 10 Downing Street – joined by campaigners, they brought placards illustrating a carrier pigeon, walkie talkie, tin can and string, and a megaphone, to show that it shouldn’t be this difficult for older voices to be heard.  

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