North East Forum on Ageing

Centre for Aging Better – Age without Limits Campaign

Our Age Without Limits campaign has launched and we hope you are continuing to follow our work and are getting involved and supporting in your own way.

If you have personal experiences of ageism and are still keen to talk about how ageism affects you, we would love to hear from you further.

We now have an online form form to capture your story (link below). Please answer the questions as fully as possible, so if appropriate, we can prioritise coming back to you with the right opportunities to support the campaign.

If your story is something we’d like to gain more information on or we have a project to involve your with in the future, we will be in touch to arrange a short phone call to explain more about the process of sharing your experience and the difference it could make.

The link below will take you to the online form where you can let us know your general availability and just has a few quick questions to make sure we don’t waste your time.

Experiences of Ageing (

Due to the nature of our project, you need to be aged 50+ and live in England to take part.

For any questions, please email me at

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best wishes,

Suzy Fisk