North East Forum on Ageing

Caring – it’s everyone’s business report 2023

On Thursday 23rd November 2023, over sixty people from various personal and professional backgrounds attended the carers conference, the first to happen in Newcastle since 2015.

Watch a summary video of the Caring it’s everyone’s business Conference here

The conference included presentations by keynote speakers from Adult and Children’s Social Care, Newcastle City Council as well as from Newcastle Carers but most importantly, from carers themselves through a variety of mediums.

Tabletop exercises throughout the day offered delegates the opportunity to share good practice and innovation as well as identifying areas where improvements could be made, why and with/by whom.

Key priorities identified included;

* Raising the profile and awareness of unpaid carers across the city regular conversations and
updates from and with carers carer involvement at all levels in all service provision

* Key learning points linked to information, communication, duplication, complexities of the system
and inconsistency in approach highlighting the need for

* A clear suite of options in terms of support available to carers including those with eligible needs.
Information and advice to be readily available in different formats to suit different stages in the
caring journey.

* Better understanding of what it means to be a carer – the term isn’t always recognised or accepted
by those with caring responsibilities.

* A system that is simple and straightforward rather than complex and difficult to navigate.
Consistency  in approach across all areas of service provision.

* Referral not signposting – positive and proactive action. Regular caring conversations

* A collaborative approach Carer involvement at all levels of service provision/delivery (This
highlighted the need for the development of a multi-agency carers strategy and delivery plan for
the city as fundamental to effectively supporting unpaid carers with the development of a city wide
carers partnership to take these actions forward)

Read the report in full here