North East Forum on Ageing

Benefact Group’s Movement for Good Awards 2024

The Benefact Group has announced that it will be giving more than £1 million to charities and good causes across the UK and Ireland this year through random draws.

The Benefact Group is ‘an international family of specialist financial services companies that give all available profits to charity and good causes’.

The Movement for Good Awards is the Benefact Group’s annual programme of giving and this will be its sixth year.

The way it works: charities and good causes are nominated by the public to be entered into a draw. Registered charities, non-registered charities, churches, not-for-profit organisations and Community Interest Companies (CICs) in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands or Isle of Man can be nominated.

Once nominated, the charity will be included in all the remaining £1,000 draws in 2024.

Winners are drawn at random. The more times a charity is nominated, the more chances it has to be selected.

There are two different draws: one for grants of £1,000 and another for grants of £5,000.

£1,000 draws are open for nominations all year with draws taking place on:

  • 18 March 2024
  • 20 May 2024
  • 22 July 2024
  • 23 September 2024

£5,000 special draws support one charity sector with 10 awards of £5,000 each for the following sectors:

  • Animals – nominations from 19 February to 23 February 2024.
  • Health – nominations from 22 April to 26 April 2024
  • Youth – nominations from 17 June to 21 June 2024
  • Environment -nominations from 12 August to 16 August 2024
  • Arts and Culture -nominations from 21 October to 25 October 2024

12 Days of £1,000 draws start on 5 December 2024 and ends on 20 December 2024.

In addition, later in the year, 50 larger grants of £10,000 each will be awarded. Charities can register their interest now on the Benefact Group website.

The closing date and time for submitting a nomination form for each draw is midnight the day before the draw.

The winners will be published on the Movement for Good page several days after the draw.

Movement For Good – Benefact Group

Movement for Good – Nominate a charity for an award.