North East Forum on Ageing

Northern Powergrid Foundation – Community Grants

Maximum value: £20,000

Application deadline: 14th October 2024

One-off grants of between £1,000 and £20,000 per project are available.

Larger grants may be made in exceptional circumstances where the project can demonstrate that funding will significantly benefit Northern Powergrid communities.

Grants for not-for-profit organisations with charitable projects in the North East, Yorkshire and north Lincolnshire that support the community in line with the Foundation’s priority areas of energy resilience, vulnerability, fuel poverty, levelling the rural divide, innovation, collaboration or charities.

The Foundation’s charitable objects are:

  • The prevention and relief of poverty, and the relief of those in need due to financial hardship, ill-health, disability or other disadvantage including through the provision of advice and support for the optimisation of living conditions, particularly relating to the use of energy and resources among those in necessitous circumstances, including those in fuel-poor households, or who have suffered loss through weather related or other environmental events.
  • The maintenance, improvement or provision of public amenities for the public benefit in areas which are socially and economically deprived.
  • The preservation, conservation, protection and improvement of the environment including through supporting sustainability and the prudent and efficient use of resources.
  • The advancement of education through the provision and support of educational support and training about all aspects of efficient and sustainable use of energy and resources.

The current funding priorities are:

  • Energy Resilience during emergency events – enhancing community facilities, services and communication, and providing support to households in Northern Powergrid’s regions during prolonged periods without power.
  • Vulnerability – protecting the welfare of vulnerable people in the communities served by Northern Powergrid particularly during extended power cuts by enhancing their resilience and supporting them to prepare for emergency situations.
  • Fuel Poverty – helping to prevent and relieve those in fuel poverty through educational advice and support programmes.
  • Levelling the rural divide – supporting communities who are particularly remote or isolated and have experienced power cuts due to poor weather in the past.
  • Innovation – using innovative or transformational solutions to improve energy resilience for households in Northern Powergrid’s regions.
  • Collaboration – supporting communities or groups who work together to tackle issues to improve energy resilience.
  • Charities – supporting existing charitable organisations or groups whose remit is to enhance energy resilience across Northern Powergrid’s regions.
How To Apply

There are normally two funding rounds per year. Applications are now open for round two with a deadline of 14th October 2024.

Please note the application window may close early if volumes are high.

  1. Advice Team
    Northern Powergrid Foundation
    Lloyds Court
    78 Grey Street
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    NE1 6AF

Website: Homepage | Northern Powergrid Foundation